Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be int, string given in /home/domains/hoteleklund.com/docs/wp-content/plugins/import-facebook-events/templates/ife-event-meta.php on line 40
Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be int, string given in /home/domains/hoteleklund.com/docs/wp-content/plugins/import-facebook-events/templates/ife-event-meta.php on line 40 Date:
March 14
07:22 am
Warning: Use of undefined constant IFEPRO_GM_APIKEY - assumed 'IFEPRO_GM_APIKEY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/domains/hoteleklund.com/docs/wp-content/plugins/import-facebook-events/templates/ife-event-meta.php on line 151
Hotel Eklund
Our local, talented musicians use this time to showcase their musical prowess! We don’t always know who will be performing, but we know it’s always a great time!